First off, thank you, thank you, thank you, and thank you again!
You ladies have been SO supportive of me in this endeavor and it has definitely increased my sanity by tenfold! I started this blog six days ago, and in those six days this blog has managed to average out 200 individual views A DAY. That means there are at least 200 different devices checking this blog, every day on average. Along with that my twitter account rocketed from just about 600 followers a week ago to almost 1000!
I am feeling so incredibly blessed to be able to share my experiences with you all and so grateful to have the MilSO community to support me through all this. My poor husband probably though I was never going to put my laptop down during the first 48 hours, but now we've realized that my "bloggie" time generally coincides with his Call Of Duty time. :] Problem solved!
As I posted yesterday I am really looking forward to doing giveaways as my follower base continues to grow and right now I'm hoping to get it going by the end of the second week of December! I want it to be open to everybody so please share this with your friends! DON'T FORGET TO VOTE!! There is a poll up on the right hand side of my blog asking what kind of free products you ladies would like to receive, I want to give you things you will be happy with. I don't want to be the awkward aunt that gives you something you'll never use!
Every single one of you ladies is absolutely amazing! I am having such a wonderful time getting to know you all and learning more about how I can help you. I am completely awestruck by how many of you have reached out to me and asked for advice, given me feedback as well as just offering simple words of encouragement and thanks.
I am doing this for YOU!
You are the amazing women that stand beside your man.
You are women of the Silent Ranks.
You survive what most women could never comprehend.
And you do it all while supporting others at the same time.
Not only do you make yourself and your relationship stronger everyday, but you divide that strength up and share it with those that are struggling along side you.
I love each and every one of you and I cannot tell you how much I admire your strength.
This blog is meant to be about making your life easier, what are you struggling with, what do you want to know more about? How can I help you?
Please leave a comment if you have any kind of feedback or suggestions for posts.
Or e-mail me if its something more private.
If I haven't experienced it, I will find someone that has.
If I don't know the answer to your question, I will do research and find the answer for you.
I'm here to help you.
Stay strong ladies, whatever your obstacles in life right now, you will be better because of them.