
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Just to Clarify

Sorry I've been MIA this week!

A lot has been going on and I'll admit, I've been slacking.

Along with feeling under the weather, and having to re-work our budget completely, Hubby leaves for a week long field op on Sunday and I've been trying to spend time with him. No, a week in a safe environment is not anything like a deployment, but I'm a big baby and I love my husband to death. I am not going to complain about him being gone, I will not compare it to a deployment. I will however spend as much time as I can with him tonight and tomorrow so that I can't say I wasted it. 

This partially ties into something else I've been dealing with this week. Hate mail. I have received 4 different emails this week from 4 different email accounts. All of them in some fashion stated that I only created the associated twitter account and this blog in order to brag about having my husband with me and to lord it over the other MilSOs, one even went as far as to accuse me of being a fake.

So if this has been misconstrued as that I apologize, this blog and the twitter account I have created is an outlet for me to connect with the MilSO world. I want this blog to be about the joys and adventures of marriage. Specifically a young, military spouse's experiences. I know many of my readers probably do not have their husbands, fiancees, or boyfriends with them when they read about what I go through with my husband. 

This blog should be an inspiration to young couples, a reminder that even though you are separated and times are tough that when he gets back you can do things like Chris and I do. By reading my blog I want you to be able to have a huge list of things to do with him when he gets home and I want to make your life easier when it come to dinners, finances, paperwork and things that are normally huge hassles for people. The reason I want all this to be easier is so that you can spend MORE time with him! 

I cherish every moment I have with my husband.  
Every Moment. 

I lost my mother to a drunk driver accident when I was 14 and one of my best friends just last year, both were VERY sudden. There are a million things I wish I could have said and done with both of them, but they're gone. I hope to never have that feeling when I am separated from my husband, and I don't want you to have it either. 

Yes, some people may call me an inexperienced MilSO. I wasn't dating my husband when he went through Boot Camp, MCT, nor when he was going through MOS school. We have been blessed immensely that each time he has been told he was deploying, he has been removed from the list. I will never claim to have been through any of those tough times. I regret that I was not with my husband to support him through all that but, God had other plans for us individually at the time. 

I applaud every Wife, Fiancee, and Girlfriend as well as the families of the men and women who are deployed. I honestly don't know if I could make it through a deployment. In no way  is this blog meant to demean you or brag about the blessings my husband and I have.

I do know what it's like to lose someone that you love. I do know what it's like to be separated from your SO, and I do live the MilSO life. Chris is a U.S. Marine, I am his wife. We do not have a hard life compared to most Military couples, and we will never claim to.

This blog is meant to help people not be a bragging grounds, if you find my lifestyle or blog in anyway offensive, please feel free to stop following me. If I say something that upsets you please feel free to contact me, I always appreciate the fresh point of view.

Not wanting to end the blog on this kind of note, I will try to post something later today, including a Wifey Life Rule.


  1. I wasn't with Kendall through basic or his school either! I feel very inexperienced! Don't let them get you down! Keep doing what you are doing, you are fabulous ( :

    1. Thanks Charleigh! I knew I wasn't the only one that wasn't there for all that! It's been really frustrating this past week! I received a ton of support after posting this so I feel better knowing that what this Anonymous personal feels wasn't the general consensus. :] They really had me worried! Thank you, I try :]

  2. No need to defend your lot in life. It's who you are and where you at, and that's what we're here for! :) As for those emails, more will come. Just ignore them and move on. You're here to help people, but not everyone can be helped. Sometimes they just want to sit in their own vinegar.

    1. Thank you Jen! That's a great way of putting it, "sit in their own vinegar" haha that just made my night! :]
